B-Class Hall Monitor Test Site


Before The Event, there was no proper test site for B-Class Hall Monitors, so maze-like hallways were quickly constructed in selected H.I.V.E.s, to test the new Hall Monitor prototypes. The O.I. engineers requested builders to leave behind their scaffolding and toolboxes (which contain building materials, tools and builders' lunch) in order to test the B-Class Hall Monitor's ability to fit in tight spaces. The halls also provided an opportunity to test out the B-Class Hall Monitors ability to lay down blockades of barbwire. After The Event, these test sites still have B-Class Hall Monitors crawling around in them and are the best place for anyone wanting to see them in action.

Bandit Hideout

Jungle Temple

Bandits, being humans themselves, needed some form of shelter in this hostile world. So, using scrap metal found throughout the wastes, they built small hideouts scattered throughout abandoned antenna facilities. Being the skeptical little buggers they are, they filled their new hideouts to the brim with traps and other nefarious devices to stop anyone from getting at their "hard earned" loot. Over time, the prevalent vines and other plant life in the antenna facilities have covered the hideouts, making them harder to spot, much to the delight of the bandits that built them.

Field lab

Swamp hut

When one of the Masked has been coned and shunned from the village (colour of the traffic cone depends on the offense that he or she committed), some of them tend to flee to the swamps and live a reclusive life inside one of these elveated labs over irridiated water. Thanks to the protective clothing, Outcasts can tolerate swamp's polluted landscape for a long time.

The field labs were constructed after the Event, to research the effects of the radiactive moon dust and its effects on the ecosystem. The original researchers have long since become part of the Lost, but their equipment, notes and chemistry books remained. This allows the Outcasts to practice a crude alchemy and they get very excited, when people trespass in their irradiated paradise, because it finally gives them an opportunity to test out their latest deadly concoction on an unwilling test subject.

Drilling Rig

Desert Temple

Before the Event, these desert structures housed massive drills, that bored into the earth in search of oil or other precious materials. The drills have long been either destroyed or salvaged, leaving the rigs open for bandits and all other sorts of things to make them their homes, but bandits, being who they are, like to put nefarious traps around their goodies stored away in the old drilling shaft.

Continuity of Government crate

Bonus chest

Quote from Zombadger:

Dear Journal

Hunt was successful. While skinning stonebacks noticed lights under the pines in distance. Investigated after securing area. Those old Continuity of Government crates, funny. I wonder, what sort of world those poor souls were hoping to wake up to after all those years. The C/H.U.N.K.S were still loading, so caved in the faceplate of the cryotube and shoveled a few cubits of dirt into the frozen fog. Sound of suffocating person always disturbs me. Left useless firewood, cheap survival gear. Took Hydrazine and Iodine pills. Canned fruit. Was out of there, before the choking and dying stopped. Never stop being yourself.

With warmest regards, Z



Orbital Industries created complexes of underground “Cocoon” shelters, concrete and metal reinforced bunkers, that were clustered together in “H.I.V.E.s”. People were afraid of new weapons that superpoweres had aquired, so they used to pay fortune to reserve spots in Cocoons. H.I.V.E.s can be found everywhere, but usually they are destroyed.

There are also stronger, scientific H.I.V.E.s, mostly damaged, but not completly ruined. These still contain valuable resources and machinery, like batteries or gears, for those who dare to explore them. Also, some people claim, that these scientific H.I.V.E.s have prototypes of interdimensional portals, but it's not confirmed information...

Bandit Bunker


After war, bandits living underground began to make bunkers, to store their loot and protect themselves from aboveground hazards. Spelunking further and further, they started to find Hall Monitor Test Sites, filled with O.I. duplicators. Luckyli for other scavengers, bandits mostly took these powerful machines first, to reinforce defense of their underground hideouts (leaving other resources and making Test Sites safer). Unlucky for bandits, having no idea how replicators work, they were eaten by hordes of Lost, ripped by Hall Monitors or pulped to death by their clones. If you are brave enough, you can try to retrive some of basic supplies, alongside with music catridges and gear for your HORS.

Scrap Shack

Trees (oak, birch, dark oak)

Scrap Shacks were created by Lost after Event, as above-ground shelters. These are commonly found forming now abandoned towns and can be easily created using S.I.T.B. technology. There 3 types of these Schacks: Scrap Shack, Scrap Shack v2 and Barrage Umbrella. Main flaw of Scrap Shacks Lost didn't knew about, is their complete transparency for radiation, which led Lost into doom.


Trees (jungle)

Before Orbital Industries landed on Moon, fission and fussion materials on Earth started to run out. In order to keep their industries supplied with cheap electricity, O.I. tried to find alternative engergy sources. They created giant lightning-absorbing tesla towers, covering whole tracts of land, featuring huge copper coils tipped with lightning rods. Each lightning strike would generate whopping 1,21 GW equaling the total energy output of a small plutonium fission rod, while the frequency of giant thunderstorms near the “Antennas” (as this was their official designation) was abnormally high. The ozone created by the lightnings would also be collected by small, expanding canisters attached to the rods and processed into N2O, which in turn could be used in the creation of medicines and stimulants.

The Antennas featured a revolutionary system for their construction, used by Lost after Event. A group of A.I.T.B.s (Antenna-In-The-Box) would be deployed in an open space. Then, either through natural sources, like light and lightings, or through artificial electricity input, those engineering marvels would collect energy. When the critical energy level was met, they would spontaneously convert stored electricity into matter and “grow” within a few seconds. If a group of A.I.T.B.s was put really close together, they would bond and generate a much bigger antenna. After Event, Antennas turned into home for stray cats.

Radio Antenna

Trees (acacia)

Radio Antenna were devised by military, using reverse-engineering, to create a possible paradise for soldiers. Unlike normal Antennas, Radio Antennas were used for long range communication between divisions and as shelters, similarly to Scrap Shacks. And like Scrap Shacks, these structures weren't actually able to stop radiation, slowly killing off remaining military forces and leading survivors into a state of total anarchy. Now, these constructs are useless, since most of satellites used by them are down.

Fungiplast Mushroom

Huge mushroom

Orbital Industries started to cover some isolated islands with an experimental plating against nuclear radiation called Fungaplast. O.I.’s foresight to limit deployment of Fungaplast payed off, as side effects became known: other spore based life forms, mostly mushrooms and fungi, settled within the nutrient rich confines of the Fungaplast, fusing with it into absurd pseudo-metallic platforms resembling the former mushrooms. Eventually, spores of these "mushrooms" were scattered troughout wind and sprouted on soil rich in metal, such as Dense Scrap Shack Towns.


Buried treasure






Pillager outpost


Underwater ruins


Woodland mansion



Moonlabs were created under Moon's surface to develop and test nuclear weapons sold by O.I. to Earth's superpowers. After Event, they are most dangerous places, full of He-3 Excavators and Construction Robots, but also contain very rare loot, like uranium rods or prototype HORS armors.


Obsidian platform


End city


End ship


Chorus tree